Welcome to the Arlington FFA. Our Arlington FFA Chapter has been in place since 1938 and we are proud to continue to excel. We would like all parents to attend our annual Ice Cream Social that is held in September. You will be introduced to the Advisors of the Agriculture Science/FFA department and the FFA Chapter Officers. We will inform you about our organization and the SAE's that the students might have while being in the FFA. An SAE can be of several things such as a show animal, metal project, plant project, agriscience project, job placement, leadership, and many more areas as a (Supervised Agriculture Eperience). You do not have to own an animal to be in FFA! We will also talk about our program of activities (calendar) that we will follow throughout the year and what activities that your child may attend. If they are interested in being on some of the leadership teams they may want to buy an Official FFA Jacket that will be worn by the FFA Officers as well as returning FFA members. Some of the other events that you may want to attend throughout the year are: See the calendar tab for exact dates and details
If you have any questions regarding FFA, please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of the Ag Teachers! Please join the Parent Remind 101 for announcements and to contact us: Text @affaparent to 81010
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